Car Vehicle Base on Arduino Nano
Hello guys! It’s good to see you again ! Today I’m gonna Present you the Car Vehicle Written in Arduino Nano , I’m very excited , cannot wait you to see .
The inspiration of this project
I just want to make remote car , so I started to with something easy which is Arduino so this project started
The picture of Vehicle
The picture of Remote controller
Video of Car vehicle (Click to see on YouTube)
Vehicle contains with
- Vehicle Frame
- DC motor x2
- RF module
- DC motor driver ( for flip DC motor rotation )
- Servo
- Arduino Nano
- Battery socket contain 1.5V x8 = 12V
Method to Construct Vehicle
- Try to drive Servo with PWM pin
- Try to send data to RF module with serial pins
- Try to config DC motor Driver with GPIO pins
- Orchestrate all 1–3 together
Controller contains with
- Joy stick
- RF module
- Battery socket 3.7 x2 = 7.4V
- Switch
- Arduino Nano
Method to construct Joy Controller
- Try to receive analog value from Joy stick module
- Try to send that 1. value to car vehicle via RF module
Reason learned from this project
The Arduino Nano I’m using use Atmega328p at Microcontroller which is fast but when develop under Arduino IDE you cannot make it prioritize ,It’s down side of Arduino IDE all is run from top to bottom ,but the good side of using Arduino IDE is it’s very fast to develop
If you want to make This Vehicle more responsive I think There is several ways to do that
- Change Microcontroller which have higher frequency to make it faster
- Change from Microcontroller to FPGA
Thankyou for reading my Article if you have any questions comment here below , if I got Notify by Medium I’ll come to answer your question as fast at possible