RFID Checker base on Embedded Linux

2 min readSep 9, 2021
My RFID Checker

My simple project RFID card checker , real time … , Hello guys! How’s going Today I’m gonna present you my project

The inspiration that made me do this project is nothing , I just want to do it …

The hardware we gonna use in this project contain with

1. raspberry pi zero , raspbian OS(it’s the linux from debian)

2. LCD 4X20 I2C interface

3. RFID sensor PN532

4. Speaker pimoroni speaker phat

5. RTC module DS3231


Concept design for My RFID card checker

What connect to raspberry pi ?

  1. LCD connect via I2C interface
  2. RFID sensor connect via SPI interface
  3. Speaker (just put it on the raspberry pi or make another PCB that can lead to raspberry pi pins )
  4. RTC module connect via I2C interface
All parts

Suggestion to you

If you are new , you want to start some easy project I suggest you to use python for development process first .

The Good point of Linux

Linux is a open source, which mean you can find some of libraries from the internet or repositories of the Linux maintainer .

also , LCD driver ,RFID library , Speaker ,RTC all you can find driver on the internet ,just download and install it .


  1. Try to Receive value from RFID first
  2. Next you have to distinguish the unique numbers among the RFIDs card
  3. Read the time from RTC module and show it to LCD
  4. Let the speaker play the sound

The last Step

What you gonna do to make the program run at start ?

In the Linux we have something call systemd , this help to create service to run when the system is completely boot .

When finished and try .

Our journey come to an end .

Thankyou for reading this article guys , if you have any feedback about my design please comment here below . it would be very applicate .




If i had seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants .